Friday, May 25, 2007

History lesson

On our way back home from preschool, Anna sings a little song in the back of the car. "I was born in the USA"... deep...deep...da..da "I was born in the USA...". Phillip, who sits right next to Anna, shouts: "I know who sings that song" - "Who?" - "Thomas Jefferson"!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

An American Idol

Phillip and Anna both enjoy watching American Idol (very popular, televised singing contest in the US). Recently, Idol ran a special: "American Idol gives back". The show is very successful and draws 10s of millions of viewers every week, so this time the producers, the commercial sponsors, and the viewers joined in for a good cause - helping empoverished children in Africa and the US. During the event they raised a stunning 70m $. This even got the Presidents attention, and in between singing performances by the contestents, the President and the First Lady were teleconferenced into the show to praise the charitable effort. Phillip was waiting for the next singer, and as always, he would first ask "what's his name". - "This is President Bush". - slowly growing a little impatient with all the talking on TV: "Is he going to sing, now?"

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

No words...

Anna's daily bed-time routine includes brushing teeth. "Come Anna, let's go and brush teeth". Anna's routine also includes, trying to avoid anything that brings her closer to bed. Some of her standard tactics include: pretending she does not hear us, "I need to eat my sandwich", "I need to go potty", "I need to..." etc. After about 5-10 minutes of this game, my patience and curiosity about new excuses rapidly deteriorates: "Anna, I am counting to 3. - 1 ........ 2 ....... 3 .... aaaaand nothing! She looks away. I am kind of desperate: "Anna, you are killing me." - Anna looks at me, smiles, forms a gun out of her hand, takes aim with the index finger, and shouts "PIEW" (a.k.a. "paw", "poof").

....I am still recovering.... she is 2 1/2....where did she learn that...but at her age it was actually quite "witty".
Dominik really wants us to have a baby, but changed his mind temporarily when i explained that if we had baby within next year, i could not go with Dominik to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) camp.

Week later, Dominik (6) decided that baby is too good to pass and announced: "I'd like us to have baby. One of you can stay with it at home, and one of you can go to the camp with me!"
I inquired: "Well, you do know that I would probably have to stay with the baby, since little babies need their mommies the most?"
Dominik responded: "Yes, that's ok. Don't forget that the baby would also have to milk you!"

Before Dominik's 4th Christmas, we kept urging him to be very nice, or baby Jesus would not bring him any presents. Baby Jesus clearly did not disappoint our boy, who even several months after Christmas kept consulting him with all his needs. For example, while playing with track, Dominik was missing one critical piece and couldn't connect the whole railway. He casually leaned back, looked at the ceiling, and yelled: "Baby Jesus, can you please bring me this track for Christmas? But it needs to look exactly like this, see?" He'd lift his hand with the desired track in the air and continue: "Ok, see you tomorrow!"
And it would go over and over.
Robert had before him a big test and spent the weekend complaining about not being able to study because Dominik (~5 at that time) was disturbing him to which i kept responding that he should either lock himself in the office or go study to library.

At 10pm on Sunday, Dominik was in his room with the lights off, but still not sleeping. He was happily chirping, asking/yelling questions at us across the hallway etc. Finally I said: "Dominik, you have to lay down and sleep, and I don't want to hear single word or peep anymore!"
Dominik in turn recommended: "Then maybe you should lock yourself in the office or go to the library -- then you will not hear anything."

I guess what goes around comes around.